photo credit: Anthony Delanoix

6 Simple Rules for Happiness, No Matter Your Circumstance

Melissa Chu
5 min readMar 4, 2019

Does it ever seem like other people are happier than you?

You scroll on Facebook and see people having fun on their vacations, spending time with one another, or celebrating their achievements. You, on the other hand, are struggling along, just trying to make it through the day and coming home exhausted.

In an effort to console yourself, you try to rationalize why you’re in this situation and figure it must just be “bad luck”.

Over time, it can be frustrating. You could be sabotaging your own growth without realizing it. But the good news is that, if you pay attention to your thought process, you’ll realize that you can become in control of your situation.

So instead of holding yourself back, focus your energy on living positively. Happiness takes effort and a change in thinking.

If you want to start being happy, remember to:

1. Focus on improving yourself.

Don’t become fixated on other people’s successes. Never mind what that guy has or the accomplishments that girl has achieved. Focus on your own progress and growth.

It’s easy to become envious of other people when we only see the surface. When you scroll on social media, you’ll notice that people…



Melissa Chu

I write about living better, creating great work, and making an impact. Get your guide to achieving your goals at